20 JUNE 2020

Is working from home affecting your company's culture?

The current COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in advances in online collaboration and communication tools, steadily making 'Work From Home' a full-blown norm. Remote working offers many benefits such as flexibility, saving on commuting time, freedom from office distractions, and saving on office management costs. Telecommuting poses many advantages congruent with the needs of the modern workplace to both employees and businesses. However, the downside of it all comes down to impeding companies from solidifying their culture. Should it be deprioritised down the company line in favour of WFH? Company culture isn't developed just for the sake of keeping employees together. It has meaningful effects on employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. Is telecommuting affecting your company's culture? Here are four main effects that your company might experience due to the fact.

Separation woes between colleagues and teams

Separation woes between colleagues and teams

Working from home means employees almost only interact with their colleagues through e-mail and occasional calls. Remote working isn't conducive to building meaningful relationships with co-workers in the same way that working in the office is. Interacting daily with colleagues helps to set expectations better. New employees get to understand their colleagues and grasp performance and communication standards much more quickly when working together in an office environment.

Feelings of isolation

Feelings of isolation

Though working from home seems to make life easier initially, working without seeing anyone can make employees feel cut off and could be detrimental to employees' mental health. Remote working can also induce a sense of anxiety among employees, erode trust and falter connections. It can also build up the struggle with office politics, which can cause anxiety among employees. Feelings of isolation not only hurt company productivity but can seriously affect an employee's well being.

The growing business made harder

The growing business made harder

Inspiring passion across a distributed team of employees is not impossible, but certainly not easy. It's challenging to stimulate enthusiasm about your products and services amidst a lack of social engagement. Due to worries of infection, business client meetings and company sales commitments are at an all-time low and can only be done via video conferencing, e-mail, or phone calls. It's arduous to maintain high spirits among your employees through the digital sphere if they are not 100 percent committed.

Lower engagement in the office

Lower engagement in the office

Employees are more satisfied with company work when they identify and align with company values. Studies have consistently shown that companies with high engagement rates have higher productivity, profitability, and customer loyalty. Additionally, a company with engaged employees and transparent culture in place is more likely to attract top talent to fill their ranks. Long-term success would eventually mean that the company doesn't have to overlook the need to define its culture.Preserving and enriching your company culture is essential. While working from home does come with some challenges, it is also extremely helpful in ensuring the future for many businesses. As leaders, employees and colleagues, we must make an effort to leverage digital communication tools to keep spirits and engagement high. Telecommuting itself is the answer and can play a considerable role in protecting your company's culture.

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